McCain-Palin Superstar to cover the Gaza War!!!

My colleague at work thought I was reading an article in the Onion. She was shocked when she discovered that the article was actually published on the Web site of a local NBC station.

The article was about Joe the Plumper announcing his new career as a war correspondent. Joe who is not even a licensed plumper, is going to Israel to report on the Israeli war on Gaza for an Ohio-based conservative Web site.

[Joe the Plumper] tells WNWO-TV in Toledo that he wants “go over there and let their ‘Average Joes’ share their story.”

What a moron! I wonder what would Christian Amanpour, Anderson Cooper, Robert Fisk and many other experienced international correspondents (whom Israel banned from covering the Gaza carnage) would say about this!

"This is Your Victory"

Like millions across the world, I was glued to the TV last night. CNN did an incredible job in covering the elections night. When Obama was announced the elect president I jumped off the couch and the first words I uttered were, “I have a huge respect for this country.”
Indeed, Obama’s victory was a victory to the entire world that has become fed up and tired of Bush’s policies. Looking at Obama taking the stage and addressing his supporters in Chicago left me with a great feeling that this man changed the history of America. Now change can be good and bad. Bush and his administration did their part (bad of course) but Obama represented the good change. He wrote history like Martin Luther King and the founding fathers. All I could think of at that moment was how great the American democracy is and how the American people moved to the next step which should have been done way earlier. Nevertheless, they did it. They forgot about their race differences and finally voted for an African American. American democracy has entirely become the model of all democracies around the world.

Obama’s speech was very moving. The very first sentence made me respect him even more.

If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.

Last night’s victory was indeed the answer to all those who had ever suspected American democracy. As for McCain, as much as I didn’t like him, as much as I highly respected him after hearing his speech. I commend him for his respectful speech. His words showed he was not a loser but someone who truly loves his country.

There are no enough words to put on this thread. So I’ll just say that last night was a historic moment not only for the United States, but for the entire world. I am glad I had the chance to witness that great event in my lifetime. The entire world looks to America differently now. They see the new great, bright face of America, not what they used to see for the last eight years. Obama’s victory brought the world together to love America again.

What if Obama was Arab or Muslim?

American society has often been described as a melting pot. It has become a great nation by its people’s will and desire to live, work and build as they work hard to achieve their American dream. But what is happening now by some conservative Americans as they support McCain is extremely hurting this great image of the American dream, which is the essence of what America is all about. Expressing their racism and intolerance publically while rallying for McCain is just sad.

I’m sure all of you saw this ignorant American woman rallying for McCain saying she doesn’t trust Obama and that she has “read about him and found out he’s an Arab.” At first, I thought she said “he’s an error” which is why I accepted McCain saying, “No, Madam. He’s a decent family man…” But when I realized she meant an “Arab” and connected it to what McCain said, I felt very offended. It appeared as if he was saying, “No, Madam. He’s is decent, not Arab.” I wonder if he said that deliberately to convey that Arabs are not decent and that since Obama is not an Arab, he’s decent!

In all cases, I’m not surprised that this came from a McCain supporter and from McCain himself. I wonder what would the Arab Americans feel when they heard this ignorant woman. What would they think when they see the country they built along with their Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, atheist and Hindu countrymen intolerant like this. Haven’t they defended their country like what Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan did when he enlisted in the army, deployed in Iraq and then killed there? What would his heart-wrenched father say when he sees or hears ignorant people disregarding his son’s sacrifice for his country and faith?

I guess no one said it better than Campbell Brown in this CNN video. “What if Obama was an Arab or a Muslim… What if McCain was?”

This election is a wakeup call for Americans and how they are going to shape their country. I hope they do it the right way this time, unlike what happened when they voted for Bush whose eight years brought destruction, caused many enemies around the world and most importantly used the people’s taxes to pay for wars and let the entire American economy collapse before the American people’s eyes.

Now, it is time for change. And yes, you can!